SMART Skills Reform

The Action Learning Institute and Klarrio APAC have developed a concept for applying artificial intelligence and machine learning to build a SMART VET system in Australia that can deliver the skills reforms we need now and support continuous improvement into the future. This video explains how a central VET Data Platform can provide the data and information needs of a range of users in the system and, in particular, how the introduction of enterprise microcredentials will support qualification reform and engage employers and learners directly in the system to create iterative design feedback loops.

Click on a timestamp below to open the video directly in Youtube at the appropriate point, or use the controls above to skip to the relevant chapter.

00:00 The outcomes sought from skills and qualification reform

01:38 Our vision for a VET Data Platform

04:13 About The Action Learning Institute

04:41 myLearningMap work-based learning evidence portfolio

04:59 The TGA Database

05:14 The ‘Wizard’ semantic search engine

06:03 Design methodology for enterprise microcredentials

06:53 Our vision for enterprise microcredentials

07:51 How enterprise microcredentials add validity and value to the National Skills Passport

10:45 How enterprise microcredentials remove barriers to RPL (Recognition of Prior Learning).

12:02 How enterprise microcredentials are stackable and accumulative.

12:46 How enterprise microcredentials and the VET Data Platform provide opportunities for reform across the whole VET system.

About us

The Action Learning Institute (ALI) is an Australian Registered Training Organisation (RTO Provider 40676) and the first education institution in the world to deliver nationally recognised qualifications entirely through action learning. Since 2020, ALI has developed a strong collaborative relationship with leading data scientists, Klarrio APAC, the Australian arm of Klarrio Worldwide. ALI and Klarrio have established a working agreement for the early development phases of the VETech platform and a microcredential generator

Case studies

We have been instrumental in establishing an industry learning cluster, called Business Action Learning Tasmania (BALT), a small business model for action learning, called Competitive SME, a ‘whole of organisation’ model, called The Action Learning Organisation, and our flagship Lean Action Learning program is the first example of nationally recognised qualifications delivered entirely through action learning. Click the link below to visit the BALT website and see some of the case studies emerging from Lean Action Learning.


Action learning is all about shared learning. We have published Accounts of Practice in peer-reviewed journal, Action Learning Research and Practice. Learn more about our methodology for delivering Australian vocational qualifications, our experience establishing an action learning cluster, and how we co-designed a ‘whole of organisation’ model for action learning with our industry partners.